Profile likelihood inference for semiparametric models

Susan Murphy
Pennsylvania State University


Many models used in survial analysis are of high dimension. A commonly used model of high dimension is the proportional hazards model for right censored data. Other examples are the proportional hazards model for current status data, and the proportional odds model for right censored data. In all of these models interest is primarily in a vector of regression coefficients and a function, such as the cumulative baseline hazard, is a nuisance parameter. This talk concerns the verification of the intuitive practice of profiling the nuisance parameter out of the likelihood and using the resulting profile likelihood as if it is a likelihood for the vector parameter. That is, will maximizing the profile likelihood yield an asymptotically normal estimator of the parameter of interest? Can the profile likelihood be used to make likelihood ratio tests and confidence intervals? Can minus the second derivative matrix of the profile likelihood be used to estimate the information matrix? In the parametric setting these properties follow from a quadratic approximation to the likelihood. This work gives sufficient conditions for the above approximation to hold for a high dimensional model and shows how the quadratic approximation leads to an affirmative answer to the above questions.

The conditions are sufficiently simple so as to be satisfied in a variety of semiparametric models, for example, the proportional hazards model for current status data, the proportional odds model for right censored survival data, errors in variables for a logistic regression model, and a semiparametric logistic regression model.