The Thursday, June 25 schedule

For location of the lecture halls, see the campus map,click here.

Time/location Gustaf Dalénsalen HA 1 HA 2 HA 3 HA4 HC 4
09:00 Traub
10:30 Hoti Cooke Crypthography
11:00 Hudson Wood Borell
11:30 Pridor Bugeag Björk
12:00 Mäkiö Venini Bruno
14:00 Leese Schweizer
15:30 Piccolomini Rentrop Schoisswohl Vänskä
16:00 Wheeler Mamontov Taskinen Warrik
16:30 Caminada Penski Epstein Ockendon
17:00 Loli Hua Tkachenko

Coffee-breaks take place outside Gustaf Dalénsalen at 10:00 - 10:30 and at 15:00 - 15:30

This day there will also be coffee at 15:00 after M.Schweizer's talk at HC 4

Lunch is between 12:30 and 14:00, except Wednesday when lunch starts at 13:30

Social events this day

Conference dinner at 19:30 at m/s Marieholm

( in the harbor, close to the Operahouse and Lilla Bommen )