An exercise on perception

Human perception and visualization is a huge subject. How does one best use light, colour, movement etc.
There is not time enough to look at these aspects of visualization in this course. So apart from the following exercises I refer the interested student to: Colin Ware, Information Visualization, perception for design. Morgan Kaufmann, 2004, 2nd ed. Can be bought from Ad Libris or Amazon, for example. The first edition (2000) is available as an e-book through the Chalmers library.

Just to show some aspects of how the visual system works (and to train on some Matlab) here are a few exercises:

Question Draw a sequence of 40 adjacent vertical rectangles in a window. Colour the rectangles using a gray scale;  the leftmost rectangle should be white and the rightmost black. Set the Edgecolor-property of the rectangles to None. Look at the border between rectangles. Do you notice anything special?  The visual system is sensitive to changes, it does not measure absolute values.

Question Use the previous image and draw superimposed, smaller rectangles, like this (where I have filled all the rectangles with white; also this image is smaller than necessary). The small rectangles in the first row should all contain the same gray colour, e.g. [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]. The small rectangles in the second row should also have the same colour, try [0.8, 0.8, 0.8]. Comments?


Question Use the program from the first exercise and change the colormap to pink, colormap(pink) . Then write lines of text from the left edge to the right edge of the window. You can try different colours for the text, but try at least using cyan. What can you say about the readability of the text in different parts of the window?
Research has shown that difference in colours is not suitable when small details are displayed. Contrast in luminance (amount of light), black/white, is more important.

You can find several interesting examples at Project LITE.
