
Here is the datafile

Arnoldi's method is a standard algorithm for computing a few eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for a large, sparse and non-Hermitean matrix, A. The algorithm is iterative and in iteration k there are k approximate eigenvalues, but only a few of these are good approximations. k is typically much less than the dimension, n, of the matrix. If n = 5000, k is maybe 50, and the number of good approximations is perhaps 5. A by-product of the algorithm is the residual norm, || A x - λ x || / || x ||, of an approximate eigenpair (λ, x) (λ is the approximate eigenvalue and x an approximation of the eigenvector). This norm can be used to extract the good approximations and one would continue iterating until one has the number of required approximations.

Suppose you have never heard of the algorithm One way to understand part of its behaviour is to compare the eigenvalues computed by the algorithm with the exact eigenvalues.

Question The file arnoldi.mat contains two arrays, one, ex, contains the exact eigenvalues and the other, app, contains the approximations. I have not supplied any residual norms, so you can use the distance between an exact and an approximate eigenvalue as an estimate of the error.

We want to have answers to the following questions. The answers should be presented using computer graphics (of course).

Note that the eigenvalues are complex.
