
Here are the problems:

  1. Getting acquainted
  2. Streamlines
  3. An igloo

New information November 25: A new version of the Linux system was installed November 17, and ParaView does not work well with the new version. ParaView works for a while and then the program (and the whole window system) may freeze for several minutes. It does not react to ctrl-C (or to any other keys, it seems). I have tried an older version, and I have fetched the source code and recompiled everything (it is huge, compiling takes several hours) with the same results. I do not know how to fix it (I do not even know where the bug is, Linux, Qt, GTK, ParaView, graphics card driver, ...). If you move the object slowly, it seems to work in a resonable way, but if you use the mouse too much, the display locks up.

I recommend you to use the Windows XP-system for this lab. Here are two alternatives. I think that the first one works (I cannot check it, since I do not have a student account). If it does not, please tell me. The second method is guaranteed to work, but it is rather unpractical since we may end up with many copies of ParaView filling the Windows-disks.
First method:
While on the Linux system, give the following command once in a terminal window:

ln -s ~thomas/VIS/ParaView\ 3.4.0 

So make a so-called symbolic link (an alias, in Windows terminology) from your home directory on the Linux side, to one of my Linux-directories where the Windows files for ParaView are stored.
On the Windows machine. Go to your Linux home directory, double click on the link you did, ParaView 3.4.0.
You should see two directories, bin and lib. Go to the bin directory and start paraview, by double clicking on the striped (red, green, blue) icon: 


The system will warn you saying that The publisher could not be verified. Are you sure you want run this software? Click on the Run-button.

Second method: Go to ParaView's download page and download and unpack paraview-3.4.0-win32-x86.exe. If you store the program in your My Documents folder, it is available only on that computer (it is a local folder). You can access your Linux directory from the Windows machine, and if you have enough disk space you can store it on the Linux side.

If you only know Linux you can ask me (at a lab session) how to handle the Windows system.

If you want to live dangerously you can always try the Linux version, but be warned!
Here is the information for the Linux system:

I have fetched a pre-compiled version for Linux. To run it you should modify your unix path:

If you are using tcsh:
set path = ( $path /chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.4.0/bin )

If you are using bash:
export PATH=$PATH:/chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.4.0/bin

Start the program by typing paraview

You will get the following error message (which you can ignore):
/usr/lib/ no version information available (required by

You get the same message when you open the help-window.
