If you have time left over (not compulsory)

Sometimes it is necessary to produce more realistic images, containing shadow, reflection and refraction. The systems we have looked at so far, have no (direct) support for such effects. One system that can produce striking images is POV-Ray (which uses ray tracing). See also the Internet Raytracing Competition for stunning images. So, if you have time left I suggest you fetch and test POV-Ray.

 Comsol Multiphysics is a program for solving PDEs (Partial Differential Equations). Many examples are included in the program. Try the graphics capabilities for some of the problems. Start the program by typing /chalmers/sw/sup/comsol-3.5a/installed/bin/comsol or by using a menu in the window system. Click on the Model Library-tag (see image below) and choose an interesting problem. Click OK when you are ready.

Model Library-tag

The program will then import the geometry and the solution of the problem (this may take some time, 30 seconds or so).
Once you see the structure choose Plot Parameters from the Postprocessing menu and test different options.

Mathematica and Maple are two large computational packages that can be used for symbolic computations, among many other things. Both programs have powerful graphics.

To try the graphics in Mathematica, start it by using a menu or by typing /chalmers/sw/sup/mathematica-7.0.2/bin/mathematica . Choose Documentation Center from the Help-menu. Then choose VISUALIZATION AND GRAPHICS ...

To try the graphics in Maple, start it by using a menu or by typing /chalmers/sw/sup/maple-13/bin/xmaple . Choose Maple Help from the Help-menu. Click on Graphics ...
