
This page will contain a diary of the course, i.e. a short description of the lectures, handouts etc. The table will be filled in as we go along.

Handouts in PDF:
Lectute notes (a fairly large file).
An introduction to C-programming

Date Activity Comments
Wed Introduction, registration.
Pages 1-13 in the handouts.
Skip the last paragraph on page 12 and the Matlab code on page 13 (it is not necessary any longer, a local fix has been made).

About registration: if you are a Chalmers student, and if you have not registered, you should contact your Student Centre. If you are a GU-students (but not a PhD-student) contact Jeanette Montell-Westerlin. PhD-students do not have to register.
Fri Matlab review, pages 14-35
Mon Matlab review, pages 36-58
Wed Matlab review, pages 59-84
Fri surf vs. fill3, handle graphics, pages 85-100 The comment on the following line on page 100 is not correct:
h = plot(0.5 * pi * [1 3], [1 -1], 'o')   % 2 handles
only one handle is returned
Mon More handle graphics. GUIs, pages 101-119 A few links about GUIs, design etc.  Bad designs (fun!).
Some books: The Design of Everyday Things (Wikipedia-link about the author),Interaction Design. There are several E-books, on this subject, available through the Chalmers library, e.g. User Interface Design for Programmers by Joel Spolskya and The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, by Wilbert O. Galitz.
Wed More on GUIs, animation, timer objects, basic computer graphics. Pages 120-127 (just parts of), 128-150. Nov 8, 2010: due to a problem with permissions you find the data files under /chalmers/users/thomas/vis (and not in the group-area).
Fri More on transformations. Pages 151-168. The exercises (page 165) are not compulsory.
Mon Projections, viewing, the graphics pipeline. Z-buffer. Colour (read on your own). Light. Pages 169-198, 189-193 on your own. Nov 16, 2010: IT-service has fixed the problem with the group area, so the instructions in the original lab-text should work again.
TueThe rest of light. Colour and light in Matlab. Some 3D-functions in Matlab.  A first OpenGL-example. Pages 199-224.

Note, no teaching (lecture + lab) on Fridays from now on.
If you would like to get a better feeling for how gluLookAt etc. works, you can run an OpenGL-program (not written by me) by typing (when logged in to the student system):

cd  /chalmers/groups/thomas_math/VIS/OpenGL

You can change parameters, like eye position, and up vector, interactively and immediately see how it affects the image. There are more demo-programs (not all relevant to this course), try fog, lightmaterial, lightposition, projection, shapes, texture, transformation. If you get "Command not found", type ./fog etc.
Mon Colour and reflection (not in the handouts) based on this article. The remaining OpenGL-examples. Pages 225-242. Start of textures, page 269 (ParaView will come later). Mentioned OpenGL ES. We will decide the exam date next Monday.
Wed The rest of textures. OpenDX and a little bit of ParaView. Pages 269-282, 243-248.
Mon More on ParaView. Decided the exam dates.  Pages 249-264. Exam dates: handout Tuesday 14 Dec, presentation Wed 15 Dec.
Wed The last part of ParaView. Pages 265-268. Handed out a course evaluation form and times for the exam. Contact me for an exam-time.