# This file contains script commands for solving an optimization model reset; # Load the model model invest.mod; # Load the data data invest.dat; # Choose solver option solver cplexamp; # Other useful options option omit_zero_rows 1; option omit_zero_cols 1; #Solve the model (Remember to choose the right objective function in the .mod-file!) solve; #Print results on the file invest.res display activate, size, output > invest.res; #Example: change probabilities for the scenarios (Note! Node probabilities will be changed according to these changes) #~ let{s in SCEN} scen_prob[s]:=0; #~ let scen_prob['BAU']:=1; #~ solve; #Example: Looping #This example is a good starting point for the Pareto calculations: # * It has to be extended to get the value of the CO2 emissions reductions for each e in EPSILON (not only fNPV). # * The set of EPSILON values has to be changed. #~ set EPSILON; #~ param func1{EPSILON}; #~ data; #~ set EPSILON:=10 20 40; #~ model; #~ for{e in EPSILON}{ #~ let co2_limit:=e; #~ solve; #~ let func1[e]:=fNPV; #~ }; #~ display f1 > invest.res;