#model uh-small.mod; model uh-stor.mod; #data uh-small.dat; data uh-stor.dat; option solver cplexamp; option cplex_options 'timing=1' ' mipdisplay = 2' ' mipinterval = 50'; # Description of some useful option parameters: # 'solutionlim=k' : the search is terminated after k feasible solutions has been found # 'absmipgap = r' : the search is terminated when | best node - best integer | < r # 'timing=1' : a summary of processing times is displayed # 'mipdisplay=2' 'mipinterval=m' : a log line is displayed every m nodes in the B&B tree solve; # Do not display all zero variables: #option omit_zero_rows 1; display x, z, d, T, Cost;