using JuMP #using Cbc using Gurobi using SparseArrays T = 150 include("as_dat_small.jl") include("as_mod.jl") m, x, z = build_model() setsolver(m, GurobiSolver()) #setsolver(m, GurobiSolver(MIPGap = 2e-2, TimeLimit = 3600)) #setsolver(m, CbcSolver(logLevel = 1, ratioGap = 2e-2)) # if you use Cbc instead of Gurobi """ Some useful parameters for the Gurobi solver: SolutionLimit = k : the search is terminated after k feasible solutions has been found MIPGap = r : the search is terminated when | best node - best integer | < r * | best node | MIPGapAbs = r : the search is terminated when | best node - best integer | < r TimeLimit = t : limits the total time expended to t seconds DisplayInterval = t : log lines are printed every t seconds See for a complete list of valid parameters """ solve(m) """ Some useful output & functions """ # obj_ip = getobjectivevalue(m) # obj_lp = m.objVal # println("obj_ip = $obj_ip, obj_lp = $obj_lp, gap = $(obj_ip-obj_lp) ") # println(getsolvetime(m)) # x_val = sparse(getvalue(x).innerArray) # z_val = sparse(getvalue(z)) #println("x = ") #println(x_val) #println("z = ") #println(z_val) #solve(m, relaxation=true) #add_cut_to_small(m)