Fourier and Wavelet Analysis, 2nd quarter, 03/04

The course will, on request, be given in English.

Welcome to this course!

The course treats the Fourier transform and some related transforms with applications to signal and image processing. In particular, we treat issues concerning discretization (sampling, for example) and a latter time tool, 'wavelets', which enables a new practical approach to the fundamental problem that signals with sharply defined frequencies are widely extended in time (and conversely).

The course starts with an introduction to generalized functions (tempered distributions); if anything more than the Dirac delta is required - as, for example, in the sampling of signals - it is useful to have some knowledge of the theoretical base for the calculations.


Bergh, Notes on Generalized Functions and Fourier Transforms, compendium, Chalmers pdf / ps.
Bergh-Ekstedt-Lindberg, Wavelets, Studentlitteratur, 1999.
Bracewell, The Fourier Transform and Its Applications, McGraw-Hill, 2000.


The examination will be based on the hand-in from three computer assignments, and a minor written examination.
The assignments are titled FFT (manual in pdf / ps), Introduction to Wavelets (manual in pdf / ps), and Image Compression (manual in pdf / ps).
The two nearest opportunities to have the written examination have been determined, after a consultation with the participants in the last week of November. The first opportunity is on December 19, morning session, in the V building. The second opportunity is on January 16, morning session, in the M building. The third opportunity is in August.

Hours and rooms

Tue 8-12 in MD6,
Thu 13-17 in MD6.


Jöran Bergh (examiner) and Kjell Holmåker.

Weekly plan

w 1

Distributions and Fourier transforms: Be 1, Br 1-4.

Recommended exercises are 2:10,12,13,15,17; 3:10,12,20,22,23.

w 2

Calculation of transforms etc., sampling: Be 1, Br 6-10.

5:29; 6:1,2,3,5,9,15,32; 8:1,2,3,6,7,11,23,29; 9:2,3; 10:5,21,25,30,31.

w 3-4

Multidimensional Fourier transform, Radon, Hankel, and Hilbert transform, FFT: Be 2,4, Br 11,13,14.

11:5,10; 13:2,3,19,20,21,23,34; 14:27.

Computer accounts will be distributed, and will afterwards be available at the Helpdesk. The software program Matlab with tool-boxes is available from these accounts.

w 5

Wavelets and filter banks: BEL 1-3. (Wavelab may also be freely down-loaded from Stanford.)
Hand-in of FFT.

All exercises in BEL 1-3.

w 6

Multiresolution analysis: BEL 4.
Hand-in of Introduction to Wavelets.

All exercises in BEL 4.

w 7

Time in reserve and for repetition.
Hand-in of Image Compression.

Last modified: Thu Dec 4 09:44:00 MET 2003