

In this exercise you are going to compare the textbook Cholesky factorization routine with Lapack implementations of the same algorithm. The Cholesky factorization is the first step when solving Ax=b where A is a symmetric and positive definite matrix.

The LU-factorization of a square matrix A is the product A = LU where L is lower triangular (zeros above the diagonal) and U is upper triangular. When A is symmetric and positive definite it is possible to write A = CCT where C is lower triangular and where T denotes transpose.

One way to write the Cholesky factorization algorithm (using Matlab notation) is shown below. The lower triangle of the original matrix A is replaced by the Cholesky factor C (it is common to replace things like this in order to save space).

n = length(A);
for k=1:n
A(k, k) = sqrt(A(k, k) - sum(A(k, 1:k-1).^2));
for i = k+1:n
A(i, k) = (A(i, k) - sum(A(i, 1:k-1) .* A(k, 1:k-1))) / A(k, k);

For more details, see (almost) any standard textbook in numerical analysis. The factorization is available in Matlab using the command chol.

Implement the algorithm above (you may replace the sums by loops) and run it on matrices of order 50, 100, 150, ..., 1200 in Fortran or C. How many floating point operations (additions and multiplications) are used (just look at the algorithm above and count them, and express the number in terms of the dimension n)? How many Gflop/s to you get (make a plot using Matlab)?

Do the same thing using the Lapack routine dpotrf from Lapack in the following three ways:

Make some nice plots where it is easy to compare all the tests (so do not plot one curve per page)

A Fortran-hint. See the pdf-file "Introduction to C, Fortran 90, FORTRAN 77, tcsh and bash" under the Diary as well. This pdf-file contains a similar discussion for C.

One can use the following theorem to construct a symmetric and positive definite matrix:

Theorem: if A is symmetric and

A(k, k) > |A(k, 1)| + |A(k, 2)| + ... + |A(k, k-1)| + |A(k, k+1)| + ... + |A(k, n)|,    k = 1, 2, ..., n,

then A is positive definite.

So taking A(k, k) = 1 and small off-diagonal elements will work (do not take zeros).
