Mathematical groups, MVA 100, University of Gothenburg
Matematiska grupper,  GU:s masterkurs om aktuell lokal matematisk forskning, MVA100

 The head-examinator is Torbjörn Lundh but there will be different lecturers each time. These persons will also be the sub-task-examinators.
Prelimininary program

Day, time, place
Wed. 10 Sept, 15.15 - 17, Pascal
Torbjörn Lundh
Some biomathematical questions
Ons. 1 okt, 15.15 - 17, Pascal Maria Roginskaya
 Dynamiska system och Fourieranalys
Ons. 5 nov, 15.15 - 17, Pascal Peter Sjögren et al  Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations
Ons. 19 nov, 15.15 - 17, Pascal  Jan Alve Svensson

Ons. 10 dec, 15.15 - 17, Pascal  Igor Rychlik
Material fatigue in connection to ocean waves
 Winter holliday break
 Jullov  Jullov
Ons. 21 jan., 15.15 - 17, Pascal  
Stefan Lemurell

Modulära former
Ons. 18 feb., 15.15 - 17,
Aila S.
Spatial statistics
Ons. 4 mars, 15.15 - 17,  Ulf Persson
Hyperbolic geometry
Ons. 1 april, 15.15 - 17,
Michael Patriksson
Ons. 22 april, 15.15 - 17, Pascal
Patrik Albin
Some contemporary ideas in mathematical finance

The course consists of ten mandatory lectures - five in the fall and five in the spring. To get credits, the student pick two groups of the ten which presented, to make a two-and-a-half-week project with each research group. Note that a group can consist of only one researcher. The task is decided by the group leader, i.e. the lecturer, who will also supervise and grade the project. The task can vary depending on the background and interest of the student. 

After the course, the student is expected to give an overview over a few of the current research project at Mathematical Sciences at University of Gothenburg. Furthermore, she/he is also expected to give a more detailed despriction of two research areas with respect to current results and questions. To obtain the grade G (Pass), the student should exept for attending all the seminars, also pass the both projects. To obtain the grade VG (passed with honours), the student has to pass both projects, and with at least one project VG.