Seminarier i komplexanalys 2004/2005 (Talks)

16 september 2004
Robert Berman
On asymptotic expansions of Bergman kernels
22 september 2004
Dennis Eriksson
Complex and Arithmetic Geometry
20 oktober 2004
Dan Popovici
Monge-Ampere currents and masses
10 november 2004
Burglin Jöricke, Uppsala universitet
Hausdorff dimension of Cantor sets and polynomial hulls
17 november 2004
Bo Berndtsson
Subharmonicity of Bergman kernels and Prekopa's theorem
19 januari 2005
Mats Andersson
Explicita lösningar till holomorfa divisionsproblem
2 februari 2005
Maria Roginskaya
Point spectrum of partially power-bounded operators
23 februari 2005
Frank Kutzschebauch, Sundsvall
Manifolds with density property
2 mars 2005
Robert Berman
From cohomology of non-degenerate line bundles to almost complex structures
17 mars 2005
Sebastien Boucksom, Paris VI
Moving intersections of currents and cohomology classes
30 mars 2005
Bo Berndtsson
Notions of positivity for vector bundles
6 april 2005
Mats Andersson
The membership problem for polynomial ideals in terms of residue currents
13 april 2005
Elizabeth Wulcan
Residue currents and monomial ideals
27 april 2005
Ragnar Sigurdsson, Reykjavik
The Siciak-Zahariuta extremal function as the envelope of disc functionals
18 maj 2005
Jan-Erik Björk, Stockholms universitet
Residyströmmar i komplexanalys
24 maj 2005
Mattias Jonsson, KTH:
Resolution of singularities of currents