Search hints for the Preprint archive

Type any sequence of characters you want to search for, in the title, the authors name, or in the number of the preprint. Upper och lower case does not matter, but (currently) accented characters do. You can limit your search to a certain year by pressing the appropriate button, or search the complete archive by pressing "all years".

If you are uncertain of the spelling, you can type a '.' (a dot) to match any character, or type '.*' to match any sequence of characters (including the empty string). Every preprint will match the empty search string, so by just clicking a button will give you the complete archive (for that year).

More generally, you may use regular expressions, except for some phony characters like ();.... Those will be ignored for security reasons. This also impies that some characters are special, like $, and have to be escaped, like \$, to really search for '$'.

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