FoPT Telegraph

The exam on 18 December is now graded,
and you can inspect that on

Tuesday, 22 December, in room L11, 11.00-12.00

Weeks 51 & 52 (30 November and 2, 7 and 9 December)

We pay decent attention to the rest of Chapter 5, but there are
some special topics that we ignore, such as 5.3Ea, 5.3F, 5.4C
"Calculation of..." 5.4Ca, and most of 5.4F-L.

After Chapter 5, we turn to §§ 9.1.J-K. If there is some time left,
we use that to find what pgf:s (and possibly martingales) have
to say about random walks.

Someone had observed that sessions are booked for the
exam week. But there will be no activities then.

Chalmers students: the deadline for the exam
16 January is  Friday, 25 December.
For GU students it is Friday, 8 January.
I will try to have the December exam graded not later
than 22 December.

Week 50 (23 and 25 November)
We finish Chapter 4 by studying §§ 4.6 I-J on rejection sampling.
After that, we make a jump to Chapter 9: if there are conditional
probabilities, then there should be conditional expectations!
To begin with, we take a careful look at §§ 9.1 A-I, except § D.
for the rest of Section 9.1 that is a part of the course, we need
probability generating functions, we turn to Chapter 5 for that,
and finish that chapter before returning to Chapter 9.
Chalmers students: the deadline for registration to the exam
on Friday, 18 December is Friday, 27 November!
The deadline for GU students is Friday, 11 December.

Week 49 (16 and 18 November)
This week we proceed in Section 4.3:
- take a last look at the empirical distribution functions §§ X,Y.
- then we go to §§ P-R.
- regret that there seems to be no time for §§ L-N.
We then come to Section 4.4 on Random Walks. We will pay
decent attention to that, but skip §§ G and L.
The short Section 4.5, on a version of The Strong Markov
property, is basic stuff.
In Section 4.6, we pay attention only to § J.

Week 48 (9 and 11 November)
We have 4.1.C behind us. For the rest of 4.1,  we have only time for §§ F, G, J, K and L.
But I hope that you browse in the other paragraphs in 4.1!
An alternative proof of Borel-Cantelli's 2:nd lemma is given. The sections 4.2-3 contains
basic stuff; we pay detailed attention.

Week 47 (2 and 4 November)
Not very much to comment upon: all the rest of Chapter 3 and the first part of Chapter 4, if we  come to that this week, are basic stuff. But we leave Ja(b), p. 69, as an exercise.
For the L^2 space, p. 65 ff, it is agood idea to introduce the inner product (.,.) defined by
(X,Y) = E[XY].