Last updated 19 March 2012

MSG200/MVE155: Statistisk slutledning (Statistical Inference)

This is a webpage for a 7.5 hp undergraduate statistical course starting on Monday 16/1, 2012.

Course description

Instructors: Serik Sagitov (examiner) and Alexey Lindo


Lectures (Serik Sagitov)

Mondays at 13.15-15.00, room Pascal

Wednesdays at 13.15-15.00, room Pascal (except 8/2 is moved to 9/2)

Exercises (Alexey Lindo)

Tuesdays at 15.15-17.00, room MVF31 (except 7/2 is moved to 16/2)

Fridays at 13.15-15.00, room Pascal

Final exam

Friday March 9, 2012, 08.30-12.30, Väg och vatten

Reexamination 1: Thursday May 31, 2012, 08.30-12.30

Reexamination 2: Friday August 31, 2012, 08.30-12.30

Grading system and Bonus points (click here)

The ultimate deadline for the bonus assignment is the Sunday 2012.03.04.

Course evaluation

This year course evaluation is managed by the Engineering Mathematics program.
Responsible students: Torbjörn Wästerlid, Claes Andersson, Sebastian Ånerud.
Click here to see the protocol of the midterm meeting.

Old exams with answers

March 2012, March 2011, March 2010, March 2009, March 2008, May 2007, May 2006, May 2005, May 2004, May 2003, May 2002