Kapitel 5 2. a) b) X has marginal density as hypergeometric distribution with N = 7, n = 4 and r = 3. Y has marginal density as hypergeometric distribution with N = 7, n = 4 and r = 4 c) No, they are not independent. Show that there are values where f(x,y) are not equal to f(x)f(y) 8. a) c = 1/6640 b) 37.35% c) f(x) = c*(8x+6) f(y) = c*40*(2y+81) d) P(Y >= 1) = 84/166 e) P(X >= 20) = 123/166 f) 20. a) negative, warmer temperature gives a faster ignition. b) E(X) = 6580/249 E(Y) = 502/498 E(XY) = 6620/249 C(X,Y) = - 3200/62001 42. a) (y-1)/ln(y) b) 1/(2*ln(2)) c) x/2 d) 3/8 Kapitel 12 1. Degree 1. 3. (a) sum_i x_1i = 6, sum_i x_2i = 25, sum_i x_1i*x_2i = 50, sum_i x_1i*y_i = 44, sum_i x_1i^2 = 20, sum_i x_2i^2 = 209, sum_i y_i = 24, sum_i x_2i y_i = 200 5. b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x3, b3 = b12, x3 = x1*x2 7. (a) | 8 464.4 | * | b0 | = | 46.2 | | 464.4 32089.96 | | b1 | | 3173.17 | (b) b0 = 0.2177, b1 = 0.0957 14. a) [1, 0, 8 ; 1,2,9; 1,4,8] b) [3,6,25 ; 6,20,50 ; 25,50,209] c) [24;44;200] d) Compare normal equations with exercise 3 e) Multiply with X'X and see that the result is the identity matrix f) Insert the given values and see that they add up 38. [1,1,1;1,2,4;1,3,9;1,4,16;1,5,25;1,6,36;1,7,49] 40. T = 3.6 p = 13.07% If your answer is not exactly the same it might be due to roundoff. 42. [26.280, 50.254] If your answer is not exactly the same it might be due to roundoff. Kapitel 13 4. a) H0: mu1 = mu2 = mu3 = mu4 H1: mu_i1 different from mu_i2, some 1 <= i1, i2 <= 4 b) T = 6.3343, p = 0.0017 c) För minst två av grupperna skiljer sig medelvärdena åt. Kapitel 14 4. H0: (alphabeta)ij = 0, i=1,2,3, j=1,2,3 H1: (alphabeta)ij är skilt från noll, för något par (i,j) 6. T = 1.0405 p = 0.4138 8. T = 130.24 p = 2*10^-11 26. 16, 32, 128 34. Jämför med tabell 14.8 (a) index i vektorerna motsvarar [A B AB C AC BC ABC D AD BD ABD CD ACD BCD ABCD]: SS = MS = [133.66 4.35 2.53 101.53 3.5115 9.9015 1.2015 1.3615 1.2015 1.2015 5.61 4.6516 1.2015 5.2815 4.6515] SSE = 4.15 F = MS/(SSE/2^4) = [515.32 16.78 9.76 391.45 13.54 38.17 4.63 5.25 4.63 4.63 21.63 17.99 4.63 20.36 17.93] (b) index i vektorerna motsvarar [A B AB C AC BC D AD BD CD]: SS = MS = [133.66 4.35 2.53 101.53 3.5115 9.9015 1.3615 1.2015 1.2015 4.6516] SSE = 22.0960 F = MS/(SSE/(2^4+5)) = [127.0302 4.1342 2.4045 96.4939 3.3373 9.4104 1.2940 1.1419 1.1419 4.4209] (c) index i vektorerna motsvarar [A B AB C AC BC ABC D AD BD ACD]: SS = MS = [133.66 4.35 2.53 101.53 3.5115 9.9015 1.2015 1.3615 1.2015 1.2015 1.2015] SSE = 24.345 F = MS/(SSE/(2^4+4)) = [109.8062 3.5737 2.0785 83.4104 2.8848 0.9871 1.1185 0.9871 0.9871 0.9871]