Denna www-sida har författats av Erik Brodin - Ansvarsförhållanden (This webpage has been written by Erik Brodin - Disclaimer)

A first tip on programing. Do not invent the wheel again. Always try to find a function which are doing what you want. Use help documentation or just search at google.

General programming

When writing a program one should always remember that is common that other people will use it. Hence one has to write clear and structured. To do this, follow this example: Programming example


For a short tutorial, just type "Latex tutorial" in google and pick one!

A short introduction to Latex in Swedish can be found here.
A short introduction to Latex in English can be found here.
Reportframe tex-fil ,ps-fil, pdf-fil
Figure for Reportframe figure
At the studentorganization at Engineering Physics, Chalmers, there is a really good latex site. It can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "Matlab tutorial" in google and pick one!

A good help site during programming with help on all the toolboxes can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "Mathematica tutorial" in google and pick one!

Jan Södersten has a introduction to mathematica on his homepage. Unfortunately it is in Swedish. It can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "R tutorial" in google and pick one!

An introduction to R can be found here. It is quit long so do not print it!
The homepage of R can be found here.

To be able to make R work in emacs download this file and gunzip it in your home directory. Then add the line (load "~/ess-5.2.3/lisp/ess-site") in the .emacs file. You can now start R in emcas with meta-x R. Thank you Marcel Lüthi!


For a short tutorial, just type "C tutorial" in google and pick one!

An introduction to C can be found here or another one here

Erik Brodin and Viktor Olsbo is responsible for the course, together with Patrik Albin. Welcome to contact Erik, Viktor or Patrik for more information.
Email: , ,
Telephone: Erik 031/7725377, Viktor 031/7723544 , Patrik 031/7723512
Fax: 031/7723508
Room: Erik 3091, Viktor L 3073, Patrik 3072
Adress: Matematisk Statistik, CTH & GU, 412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
