Denna www-sida har författats av Erik Brodin, Patrik Albin och Sofia Tapani - Ansvarsförhållanden (This webpage has been written by Erik Brodin, Patrik Albin and Sofia Tapani - Disclaimer)

A first tip on programing. Do not invent the wheel again. Always try to find a function which are doing what you want. Use help documentation or just search at google.

General programming

When writing a program one should always remember that is common that other people will use it. Hence one has to write clear and structured. To do this, follow this example: Programming example


For a short tutorial, just type "Latex tutorial" in google and pick one!

A short introduction to Latex in Swedish can be found here.
A short introduction to Latex in English can be found here.
Reportframe tex-fil ,ps-fil, pdf-fil
Figure for Reportframe figure
At the studentorganization at Engineering Physics, Chalmers, there is a really good latex site. It can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "Matlab tutorial" in google and pick one!

A good help site during programming with help on all the toolboxes can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "Mathematica tutorial" in google and pick one!

Jan Södersten has a introduction to mathematica on his homepage. Unfortunately it is in Swedish. It can be found here.


For a short tutorial, just type "R tutorial" in google and pick one!

An introduction to R can be found here. It is quit long so do not print it!
The homepage of R can be found here.

To be able to make R work in emacs download this file and gunzip it in your home directory. Then add the line (load "~/ess-5.2.3/lisp/ess-site") in the .emacs file. You can now start R in emcas with meta-x R. Thank you Marcel Lüthi!


For a short tutorial, just type "C tutorial" in google and pick one!

An introduction to C can be found here or another one here
