Some guidelines for report writing.

The answer to each question has to include

1) The programming code. Put it in the text, not as an appendix.
2) The results (numbers, graphs and so on)
3) Explanation of why you did as you did and what the results that you got mean. Are they as you expected? Why / why hot? Do they look strange to you, and if yes, do you have any theories as to the reason?

Also, please be concise. No ten page essays unless you absolutely must.

Latex and Linux

To produce .pdf files with Latex under Linux you can do the following:

1) Open a terminal and go to the directory that you chose to work in.
2) Type emacs filename.tex & where "filename" is the name of your report file.
3) Write you latex code in the editor that the previous command opened.
4) Go to TeX → TeX File. This creates a filename.dvi file in your working directory.
5) To view the filename.dvi file go to TeX → Tex View.
6) Finally, to convert the filename.dvi to filename.pdf go to your terminal window and write dvipdf filename.dvi filename.pdf.

new Latex and Windows

    One program that you can use to compile .tex files in windows is MikTex. Just open TeXworks, write your code and press the green "play" icon to the top-left. It should give you a .pdf file as default.

    Although you can write your code directly in TexWorks, perhaps you would like an interface where you do not have to type out everything yourself. WinEdt provides that. You can compile your .tex file by, for example, going to Tex -> TeXify. It will give you a .dvi file. To convert .dvi to .pdf go to TeX -> PDF -> dvi2pdf. You can also create a .pdf file directly through TeX -> PDF -> PDFTeXify.

    A note for you who work on your own laptop. WinEdt is an editor, it is not a .tex compiler. In order for it to work you will have to install MikTex as well.
Examples and useful links

For a short tutorial, just type "Latex tutorial" in google and pick one!

A short introduction to Latex in Swedish can be found here.
A short introduction to Latex in English can be found here.
Reportframe tex-fil ,ps-fil, pdf-fil
Figure for Reportframe figure

new A newer Latex example
    Here is the .tex file for a draft of one of the projects (the third one) together with the necessary figures and the corresponding .dvi and .pdf files. You can use it as a template for the latex code. It should cover everything that you will need for your own report except for the \begin{verbatim} \end{verbatim} commands that you can use to insert programming code in the .tex file.

tex-filedvi-filepdf-file, figure1, figure2, figure3, figure4, figure5