Project comments and updates.

Some of the projects are being changed this year, at least partly. As a consequence, there are bound to be inconsistencies and unclear formulations, for which I apologize. I will, of course, attempt to avoid them, and, if they manage to get past me, clarify them as soon as I am made aware of their existence.
Also, there are some questions that appear naturally while doing the assignments and which I believe many of you may ask yourselves. I will attempt to answer those here as well.

Lab 1 (the newest version is here)

Lab 2

Lab 3
Lab 6

B1 = @(t,nk)sum(sqrt(8)./pi.*sin(0.5*(2*repmat((0:1:length(nk)-1),...

B2 = @(t,lnk)sum(sqrt(8)./pi.*sin(0.5*(2*repmat((0:1:lnk-1),...

nk = normrnd(0,1,1,1000);
t = linspace(0,1,1000);
lnk = length(nk);

clear b1 b2
b1 = B1(t,nk);
b2 = B2(t,lnk);

subplot(1,2,1), plot(b1);
subplot(1,2,2), plot(b2);

    The only difference is that B1 takes in nk while B2 simulates nk. Guess which way is the correct one and why.