MVE170/MSG800 Basic Stochastic Processes Course Mail 5 Skickat: den 5 december 2013 13:23 Hello! Having not sent any emails at all to you more or less during a long initial part of the course the email action is now picking up as you can see ... . 1) Today I gave a crash course on Chapter 9 in Hsu using just 20 min- utes or so to cover the material based on the fact that queues are just special cases of birth-and-death processes (see Section 6.11 in G&S) started according to their stationary distribution with lambda_n = lambda for n<=K-1 and lambda_n=0 for n>=K mu_n = n mu for 1<=n<=s and mu_n = s mu for s=1 always finite) and K (pos- sibly = oo) is the total number of available places in the queueing system (the number of servers plus the number of queueing places to wait for service (possibly infinite) ...). Using Eq 6.11.2 in G&S this gives the stationary distribution pi_n for 0 <= n <= K for the queue (labeled p_n in Hsu). For the quantities L, L_q, L_s, W, W_q and W_s (defined in Section 9.2 in Hsu) we must now have L=L_q+L_s, W=W_q+W_s L = Sum_{n=0}^K n pi_n, W_s=1/u L=W lambda, L_q=W_q lambda, L_s=W_s lambda for K=oo L=W lambda (1-pi_K), L_q=W_q lambda (1-pi_K), L_s=W_s lambda (1-pi_K) for K f_{10} = mu/lambda making f_0 = same thing = mu/lambda so that as g_{00}=-lambda we get an exp((1-f_0)(-g_{00})) = exp((1-mu/lambda) lambda) = exp(lambda-mu)- distributed time totally spent at 0 when starting there ... . Similarly, we have (by analogy) for r>=1 f_r = mu/(lambda+mu) + lambda/(lambda+mu) f_{10} = 2 mu/(lambda+mu) so that as g{rr}=-(lambda+mu) we get an exp((1-f_r)(-g_{rr})) = exp((1-2mu/(lambda+mu))(lambda+mu)) = exp(lambda-mu) distributed time totally spent at r when starting there ... . SAA-DE-SAA!!!!! Best regards, Patrik Albin