Matematik och Datavetenskap, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs Universitet

ALA-B, 2002, studio 3.2

Home, w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4, w 5, w 6, w 7. Matlab: analysis, linear algebra, facit.

Obligatory work for your individual folder

My ode solver 1

1. Read AMBS Ch 40.2. Write a program based on the Euler forward method for solving the initial value problem for a general system of ordinary differential equations:

u'(t)=f(t,u(t)),     a< t <b,

You must use the template my_ode.m. This program is VERY SIMILAR to my_exp.m. and my_trig.m that you have already written. Use this fact and copy stuff from your old programs.

2. You MUST NOT include any plot commands in the program my_ode. Plotting is a separate task that we may, or may not, want to do after we have solved the differential equation. It is convenient to put such plot commands in a script file called, for example, test1.m:

int=[0 1];
plot(t,U) % solution curves
plot(U(:,1),U(:,2)) % phase portrait
axis equal

To execute these commands you type test1 in the matlab command window. This is more convenient than to re-type the commands every time you want to run your program.

3. Solve the following equations by hand and then use them to test your program. (Note: you have already done this in earlier exercises. Now do it again.)

a.   u'(t)=1/t,    u(1)=0

b.  u'=u,   u(0)=1

c.  u'=-u,   u(0)=1

d.  u''+u=0,   u(0)=0, u'(0)=1

e.  u''-u=0,   u(0)=0, u'(0)=1

You can compare the solution formula and the numerical solution by plotting them in the same figure. For example, if the solution formula is u(t)=3*exp(t):

hold on
fplot('3*exp(x)',[0 1],'r')

NOTE: Matlabs built-in function exp.m is NOT AN EXACT SOLUTION, it is a numerical approximation just as the solution that you compute with my_ode and my_exp.

4. The Matlab programs ode23, ode45, ode15s do more or less the same thing as my_ode. Read about it: help ode23 or in helpdesk or in Pärt-Enander-Sjöberg. Use ode23 to solve some of the examples. Compare the numerical solutions obtained by my_ode and ode23.



Last modified: Sun Nov 10 10:14:24 MET 2002