Notification of illness and sickness benefits

Notification of illness and sickness benefits

You notify your illness to Margareta Börgesson, extension 3502

and if there are any teaching that you cannot do, also contact the director of studies.

Normally when you are ill there is one day of non-benefit, and then you get 80% of the salary in sickness pay from the employer day 2-14. After that the regional social insurance office takes the responsibility and you get 80% of the salary in sickness pay, plus an additional 10% from the employer until the 90th day.

The sickness deduction of the salary is based on working days, that is, the number of weekdays divided by the number of work days (7/5=1.4). For every sickness day (work day), salary equal to 1.4 days is deducted.

When you are back again you are to fill in the form Försäkran (Assurance) where you assure that you have been ill and hand it to Margareta. If you are ill more than a week, you are to hand in a physician's certificate to Margareta as soon as possible.

Ansvarig för sidan: Ann-Margret Alsin
Senast uppdaterad: 7 november 2002
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