Homepage of Julia Brandes

About me

I am a senior lecturer in mathematics at Chalmers Tekniska Högskola and University of Gothenburg.

  • Department for Mathematical Sciences,
  • Division for Algebra and Geometry
  • Group of Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory


    My research interests lie in the area of analytic number theory, especially applications of the circle method. This is a Fourier-analytic method for estimating the number of solutions of diophantine equations which has been first developed by Hardy and Littlewood in the 1920s. But even though the basic method is quite classical, its versatility makes it a strong tool that continues to yield new and exciting results. Furthermore, since the problem of solving polynomial equations occupies a very central position in not only number theory, but also many of its neighbouring fields such as geometry, combinatorics or ergodic theory, results obtained by the circle method or modifications thereof find applications in a wide range of problems.

    Postdoc: Kirsti Biggs, 2020-2021.


    MMGF11 Analys och linjär algebra, del 1.
    L9MA20/LGMA20 Matematik 2 för lärare åk 7-9 och gymnasiet

    Bachelor theses
    I am happy to supervise Bachelor projects ("kandidatarbete"). Interested candidates are invited to contact me.

    Master's theses
    I am happy to supervise Master's projects. Interested candidates are invited to contact me.


    My contact details are:
    Room:H:4018, Chalmers tvärgata 3
    Address:Matematiska Vetenskaper
    Chalmers tekniska högskola och Göteborgs universitet
    412 96 Göteborg
    Phone: +46 31 772 5367