Autumn 2005 schedule

Spring 2005 schedule

Autumn 2004 schedule

Spring 2004 schedule

Mathematics Department Colloquium : Spring 2006 schedule


OBS! During this semester, we will have an increased number of talks given by members of our own department, who will present overviews of topics in their own research fields. Such talks may be of particular interest to students thinking of doing a master's thesis or of applying for a Ph.D. position.


   Monday, January 23, 1530-1630

Speaker : Jeffrey Steif, Chalmers.

Title : Some results of Robert Aumann in game theory.

Abstract : In the fall, Robert Aumann received "Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne" for his work in game theory. I will discuss a very small portion of his research in order to give a flavor of his work.


   Wednesday, February 8, 1530-1630 (OBS! WEDNESDAY)

Speaker : Einar Steingrimsson, Chalmers.

Title : Combinatorics, Algebraic and Enumerative.

Abstract : I will show a few glimpses from the area of combinatorics, ranging from very simple to fairly deep. However, the entire presentation should be understandable for any graduate student. I will show some of the tools used by combinatorialists, such as bijections and generating functions. I will also talk about one of the major breakthroughs in algebraic combinatorics of the last couple of decades, namely the solution of the Neggers-Stanley conjecture, which was cracked in our very department a year and a half ago.


   Monday, February 27, 1530-1630

Speaker : Niklas Eriksen, Chalmers.

Title : Släktförskning för bakterier (OBS! Föredraget kommer att hållas på svenska).

Abstract : Det finns miljontals barteriarter, som alla är släkt med varandra. Att bestämma deras släktträd är en grannlaga uppgift. Dock visar det sig att enkel kombinatorik är till stor hjälp när man ska bestämma bakteriernas släktskap. Vi kommer att beskriva hur det går till, samt titta litet på hur metoderna kan förfinas för att få mer realistiska släktskapsberäkningar.


   Monday, April 10, 1530-1630

Speaker : Johan Jonasson, Chalmers.

Title : Circle coverign and Brownian motion.

Abstract :


   Monday, May 22, 1530-1630

Speaker : Patrik Albin, Chalmers.

Title : Bootstrap : An overview of central principles and results.

Abstract : To be announced.