An Algorithm for the Combined Distribution and Assignment Problem Jan Lundgren and Michael Patriksson Department of Mathematics Linköping Institute of Technology S-581 83 Linköping Sweden ABSTRACT: The combined distribution and assignment problem is the problem of the simultaneous determination of the distribution of trips between origins and destinations in a transportation network and the assignment of trips to routes in each origin--destination pair. We consider a model for such a problem where the distribution follows a gravity model and the assignment a user equilibrium model. The most well-known algorithm for this model is that of Evans (1976). Although this algorithm has been shown to be efficient compared to algorithms such as the Frank--Wolfe method, which it generalizes, it builds the sequence of link flow solutions based on the same algorithmic principle, and therefore also is subject to slow convergence. We propose to combine Evans' approach with the disaggregate simplicial decomposition (DSD) algorithm for updating the link flows; this leads to a faster convergence, as well as other improvements. For example, the algorithm is less sensitive to inexact solutions of the entropy maximization subproblems; it further provides explicit route flows in each of the origin--destination pairs. Numerical results are presented for four small and medium scale networks.