Sensitivity Analysis of Variational Inequalities Over Aggregated Polyhedra, with Application to Traffic Equilibria Michael Patriksson Department of Mathematics Chalmers University of Technology S-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden R. Tyrrell Rockafellar Department of Mathematics University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-4350 ABSTRACT: Some instances of variational inequality models over polyhedral sets can be stated by either using disaggregated variables or using aggregated variables through an affine transformation. For such problems, we establish that sensitivity analysis results under ample parameterizations rely neither on the strict monotonicity properties of the problem in terms of the disaggregated variables, nor on any particular choice of their values at the solution. We show how to utilize the affine transformation to devise computational tools for calculating sensitivity results, and apply them to the sensitivity analysis of elastic demand traffic equilibrium problems. Key words: Disaggregated representation; aggregated representation; ample parameterization; sensitivity analysis; locally Lipschitz function; directional derivative; critical cone; Wardrop; traffic equilibrium.