Graduate Course in Stochastic Simulation ======================================== We have had a meeting today at 12.00 where we decided the times to be used for the course. Primarily, these times apply for the first part of the course, which will be given by me during the month of March. [There was very few people at todays meeting, and although it is a bit unfair to the people that really showed up, common (economical) sense says that we will adapt the schedule to be able to house newcomers if that is necessary.] The times we agreed on are Tuesday and Thursday 10.15-12.00 in room S1. First meeting is TOMORROW THURSDAY 2 March. NEXT WEEK there will be NO MEETINGS. However, I will distribute homework (exercises) that you should work with that week. So the next meeting after the one tomorrow is TUESDAY 14 MARCH. My part of the course will use a part of the work "D. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming", and I will distribute xerox-copies of that part. I will also use lecture-notes that I have prepared myself, which in part points out the most important passages in Knuth, but also complements Knuth with additional "stochastic theory" (sepecially in the area of simulation of stochastic processes). Later parts of the course will be led by Holger Rootzen, and by Olle Hägg- ström [who will talk about MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) as an "indepen- dent" part of the continuation of his ongoing activity about complexity (to my understanding).] The topics to be treated by me (first part of course during March) are 1) Generation of random numbers with a uniform distribution over [0,1] in a computer - classical theory for congruence generators. Theses generators are the ones that are best understood at present, and also the only ones (I think) that are used in standard software. It is important to understand the performance and limitations of theses generators. 2) Generation of more general random variables in a computer - together with a lot of additional "connecting" material that are (necessary) standard knowledge within the field of simulation, as for example rejection sampling, importance sampling, multivariate random variables, methods for reducing variances (and thus number of replicas needed), ... 3) Testing of performance and limitations of random numbers generators: There are plenty of poor random number generators around (a famous example is an extremely poor generator used in IBM's 3070-mainframe computers during the seventies). Here we learn how to avoid the poorest ones - and also something about the difficult topic what "poor" really means. 4) Simulation of alpha-stable stochastic differential equations: These are equations of the type dX(t) = a(t,X(t)) dt + b(t,X(t)) dW(t), and they are very important in applications, as for example mathematical finance. Here X(t) is a stocahstac process (e.g., how some financial "parameter" varies with time), while dW(t) is a noise-process, which makes the equation stochastic (rather than deterministic). Traditionally the noise W(t) is a Wiener-processes. However, it is becoming increa- singly apparent that real-world applications (e.g., the wild fluctuations in finance) requires something quite different than a (Gaussian) Wiener process as noise. The natural first step towards a generalization (which conveniently also happens to be a major part of the whole stair) is to consider alpha-stable noise. Most people that have taken courses in mathematical statistice have heard something about my four topics already. Now however, they are treated on the level that is fit and proper for a graduate student. So although some of the stuff relate to what you now already, the level will be higher than previously. In my opinion, good knowledge of simulation is as necessary as the most basic graduate courses in probability and statistics nowadays, and it is really almost not possible to do reasearch without such knowledge. Also, one should not believe that simulation "replaces theory" - rather these to aspects of mathematical statistic complements and enriches each other, and there are a lot of interesting, important and "timely" research going on here. I will give 4-5 lectures, have about 3 exercise-sessions (which are part of the grading-procedures), and finally two small programming-tasks where one tests the methods in the computer (also part of the grading). I will put copies of the copies of Knuths book outside the door to my office (1424 - between Urban and Olle N) this afternoon (or evening). My lecture-notes will be availbale via my personal www-page at latest at the time when the corresponding lecture is delivered. The language will be ENGLISH. You are most wellcome. Patrik Albin