Graduate course on Fractals, Geometric measure theory
and intersection properties of Brownian motion

Go HERE for new web page for Brownian motion and their intersection properties course.

Organizational meeting: October 30 at 10:15 in Room S4.

This course will consist of 2 parts and will be given during the 2nd and 3rd reading periods.

The first half can be studied on its own for 4 points. The second half can be studied on
its own for 4 points provided one attends the first two weeks of the first half where the
necessary background on Hausdorff dimension will be given.


The first half will deal with fractals, Hausdorff dimension and other notions of dimension. This area is called geometric measure theory. A tentative outline of the topics which will be covered in this first half are:

The second half of the course will deal with the geometric aspects of Brownian motion (the fundamental stochastic process) in Euclidean space such as, which sets the Brownian motion can intersect, the Hausdorff dimension of various related sets, the self-intersection behavior of Brownian motion and (if time permits) relationships to potential theory. A tentative outline of the topics which will be covered in this second half are: Prerequisites: For the first half, integration theory and for the second half, some elementary probability.
Kursexaminator: Jeff Steif (
Kurslitterature: There will be no specific book that I will follow but for the first half, I will have two books on reserve in the library: and for the second half of the course, there will be some notes.
Last modified: Tue Jan 22 16:52:41 MET 2002