S. Larsson, V. Thomée, and L. B. Wahlbin, Numerical solution of parabolic integro-differential equations by the discontinuous Galerkin method, Math. Comp. 67 (1998), 45-71. Subjclass: 65M60, 65R20, 45L10 Keywords: Parabolic integro-differential equation, weakly singular kernel, discontinuous Galerkin, variable time step, finite element, error estimate, Gronwall lemma Abstract: The numerical solution of a parabolic equation with memory is considered. The equation is first discretized in time by means of the discontinuous Galerkin method with piecewise constant or piecewise linear approximating functions. The analysis presented allows variable time steps which, as will be shown, can then efficiently be selected to match singularities in the solution induced by singularities in the kernel of the memory term or by nonsmooth initial data. The combination with finite element discretization in space is also studied. Address: Stig Larsson, Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Technology and G\"oteborg University, S--412 96 G\"oteborg, Sweden E-mail: stig@math.chalmers.se Address: Vidar Thom\'ee, Department of Mathematics, Chalmers University of Technology and G\"oteborg University, S--412 96 G\"oteborg, Sweden E-mail: thomee@math.chalmers.se Address: Lars B. Wahlbin, Department of Mathematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 E-mail: wahlbin@math.cornell.edu