W.Benjamin: Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit

J.Berger:Ways of Seeing

K.Clark:Rembrandt - and the Italian Renaissance

K.Clark:Landscape into Art

K.Clark:Leonardo da Vinci

R.G.Collingwood:Principles of Art

R.G. Collingwood:Art and Culture

U.Eco: Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages

R.Fry:Konsten och Livet

M.Gayford:Constable in Love - Love, Landscape, Money and the Making of a Great Painter

E.H.Gombrich:The Preference for the Primitive - Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art

E.H.Gombrich:Art and Illusion

E.H.Gombrich:Meditations on a Hobby Horse - And other Essays on the Theory of Art

E.H.Gombrich:Ideals and Idols - Essays on values in history and in art

E.H.Gombrich:The Image and the Eye - Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation

H.Read:Det moderna måleriets historia


J.Ruskin:The Stones of Venice

J.Ruskin:On Art and Life

L.Tolstoy:What is Art?