Chalmers Mathemical Statistics Logo

Nanny Wermuth, Professor emerita of Statistics, Ph.D
Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology
41296 Gothenburg

Publications 2006-2015

Wermuth, N., Cox, D.R. & Marchetti, G.M. (2006). Covariance chains. Bernoulli, 12, 841-862.

Wermuth, N., Wiedenbeck, M. & Cox, D.R. (2006). Partial inversion for linear systems and partial closure of independence graphs. BIT, Numerical Mathematics, 46, 883-901.

Cox, D.R. & Wermuth, N. (2007). Some interpretational issues connected with observational studies. Invited lecture. Proceedings of the 56th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Bulletin LXII, Lisbon, 905-912.

Wermuth, N. & Streit, R. (2007). Einführung in statistische Analysen. Fragen beantworten mit Hilfe von Daten. Berlin: Springer.

Wermuth, N. & Cox, R. (2008). Distortion of effects caused by indirect confounding. Biometrika, 95, 17-33.

Marchetti, G.M. & Wermuth, N. (2009). Matrix representations and independencies in directed acyclic graphs. Annals of Statistics, 37, 961-978.

Wermuth, N., Marchetti, G.M. & Cox, D.R. (2009). Triangular systems for symmetric binary variables. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 3, 932-955.

Wiedenbeck, M. & Wermuth, N. (2010). Changing parameters by partial mappings. Statistica Sinica, 20, 823-836.

Wermuth, N. (2011). Graphical Markov models. In: International Encyclopedia of
Statistical Science. Lovric, M. (ed.) Part 7, 618-620, New York: Springer.

Wermuth, N. (2011). Multivariate statistical analysis. In: International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Lovric, M. (ed.) Part 13, 915-920, New York: Springer.

Wermuth, N. (2011). Probability distributions with summary graph structure.
Bernoulli,  17, 845-879.

Wermuth, N.  (2012). Traceable regressions. Int. Statist. Review, 80,  415–438.

Wermuth, N.,  Marchetti, G.M. & Byrnes, G. (2012). Case-control studies for rare
diseases: improved estimation of several risks and of feature dependences. ArXiv: 1203.1829.

Wermuth, N. & Sadeghi, K. (2012). Sequences of regressions and their independences. Invited paper with discussion. In: TEST 21, 215–252.

Wermuth, N. (2013). Comment: are marginal models needed? Sociological Methodology, 43, 114-119.

Wermuth, N. & Cox D.R. (2013). Concepts and a case study for a flexible class of
graphical Markov models
.  In: Robustness and complex data structures. Festschrift in honour of Ursula Gather. Becker, C., Fried, R. & Kuhnt, S. (eds.) Springer, Heidelberg, 331–350; also on ArXiv: 1303.1436.

Wermuth, N., Marchetti, G.M & Zwiernik, P. (2014). Binary distributions of concentric rings.  J. Multivariate Analysis, 130, 252-260; also on ArXiv: 1311.5655.

Wermuth, N. & Marchetti, G.M (2014). Star graphs induce tetrad correlations: for Gaussian as well as for binary variables. Electr. J. Statist., 8, 253--273.

Cox D.R. & Wermuth (2015). Design and interpretation of studies: relevant concepts from the past and some extensions. Observational Studies, 1, 165-170; also on ArXiv:1505.02452.

Wermuth, N. (2015). Graphical Markov Models, unifying results and their interpretation.  Wiley Statsref: Statistics Reference Online; also on ArXiv:1505.02456.

Wermuth, N. & Cox D.R. (2015). Graphical Markov Models: Overview. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, 10, 341-350; also on ArXiv:1407.7783.