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Nanny Wermuth, Professor Emerita of Statistics, Ph.D.
Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology

41296 Gothenburg

More recent papers

Marchetti, G.M. & Wermuth, N. (2016). Palindromic Bernoulli distributions.
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10,  2435–2460; also on arXiv:1510.09072.

Sadeghi, K. & Wermuth, N. (2016). Pairwise Markov properties for regression graphs. Stat 5, 286-294; also on arXiv:1512.09016.

Fallat, S., Lauritzen S., Sadeghi K., Uhler, C., Wermuth N. & Zwiernik, P. (2017).
Total positivity in Markov structures. Annals of Statistics, 45, 1152-1184; also on ArXiv:1510.01290.

Marchetti, G.M. & Wermuth, N. (2017). Explicit, identical maximum likelihood estimates for some cyclic Gaussian and cyclic Ising models. Stat 6, 282-291.

Marchetti, G.M. & Wermuth, N. (2017). Generating large Ising models with Markov structure via simple linear relations. arXiv:1704.01649.