Lectures and Workshop on
Multivariate Systems with Independence Structures
7. - 10. September, 2005

Lectures at the Mathematics Centre, Chalmers/Gothenburg University
7. September, 2005

10:10 Welcome
10:15 D. R. Cox, Oxford University:
Some issues in the interpretation of multivariate systems.
11:15 M. Perlman, University of Washington:
Characterizing Markov equivalence classes for graphical models.
12:15 Lunch break
14:30 R. Scheines, Carnegie Mellon University:
Learning the whole causal structure from the minimum
number of experiments.
M. Studený, Czech Academy of Sciences:
On the mathematical description of conditional independence structures.
16:30 Coffee break
16:45 N. Wermuth, Chalmers/Gothenburg University:
Properties of matrix operators, of graphs and of distributions
associated with graphs.

The workshop continues in Smögen
8. - 10. September, 2005

Invited participants:

Ted Anderson Stanford University, US twa@stat.stanford.edu
David Cox Oxford University, UK david.cox@nuffield.oxford.ac.uk
Vanessa Didelez University College London, UK vanessa@stats.ucl.ac.uk
Mathias Drton University of California, Berkely, US drton@math.berkeley.edu
David Edwards NOVO, DK ded@novo.dk
Michael Eichler University of Heidelberg, DE eichler@statlab.uni-heidelberg.de
Anna Gottard University of Florence, IT gottard@ds.unifi.it
Gary Glonek University of Adelaide, AU gary.glonek@adelaide.edu.au
Søren Højsgaard Danish Institute of Agricultural
Sciences, DK
Søren Johansen University of Copenhagen, DK sjo@math.ku.dk
Sung-Ho Kim Korea Advanced Institute of Science
and Technology, KR
Steffen Lauritzen Oxford University, UK steffen@stats.ox.ac.uk
Fero Matúš Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ matus@utia.cas.cz
Giovanni Marchetti University of Florence, IT gmm@unifi.it
Helene Massam York University, CA massamh@yorku.ca
Ingram Olkin Stanford University, US olkin@stat.stanford.edu
Michael Perlman University of Washington, US michael@ms.washington.edu
Eva Riccomagno Politechnic University of Torino, IT eva.riccomagno@polito.it
Thomas Richardson University of Washington, US tsr@stat.washington.edu
Alberto Roverato University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, IT
Richard Scheines Carnegie Mellon University, US rs2l+@andrew.cmu.edu
Nuala Sheehan University of Leicester, UK nas11@le.ac.uk
Petr Simecek Charles University of Prague, CZ simecek@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
James Smith University of Warwick, UK j.q.smith@warwick.ac.uk
Elena Stanghellini University of Perugia, IT stanghel@stat.unipg.it
Milan Studený Czech Academy of Sciences studeny@utia.cas.cz
Rolf Sundberg Stockholm University, SE rolfs@math.su.se
Nanny Wermuth Chalmers/Gothenburg University, SE wermuth@math.chalmers.se
Michael Wiedenbeck Centre for Survey Research
and Methodology, DE