Latest news
Old exams we will discuss next week: Dec 2012 Dec 2011, April 2011

Solutions to Dec 2012 exam

Solutions to Dec 2011 exam

No class this Friday (11/12). Instead, I will office hours January 11th and 12th, 10am-3pm, before the exam and project deadline.

Lab 3 is posted. Prediction and report due December 17th instead of this week. So no MiniAnalysis 3.
Project report is due January 14th (day of the final).
The schedule for the course can be found via the link to webTimeEdit top of the page.

Course coordinator: Rebecka Jornsten
Office Hours: Tue, 10-11, Thur 15-16 in MVH3029.
Course litterature

J.O. Rawlings, S.G. Pantula, D.A. Dickey. Applied Regression Analysis.
Lecture notes
You will use the statistical package R for the lab and project work.

(pdf file)

Preliminary Course Outline
Week Chapter
1:1-7,9, 11, 12:1-4
Basics, Simple linear model, Diagnostics, Matrix formulation
2,3,4,(6), 11, 12, 13.1
Multiple regression. Diagnostics and testing
ANOVA,ANCOVA, Model selection
Model selection
notes, 7
Bootstrap, Cross-validation
Regularized regression
In-class presentations, Old Exams

Lecture notes, Labs and MiniAnalyses
Week Material
Labs and MiniAnalysis
Lecture 1 , Lecture 1 R code , The television data
Demo1 , Demo 1b , The chocolate data

Lecture 2 , Lecture 2 R code

Lecture 3 , Lecture 3 R code

Due Nov 6.

Lecture 4 , Lecture 4 R code

For those curious about Sweave, here is the Rnw-file for Lecture 4.

Lecture 5

Lecture 6 , Lecture 6 R code

Due Nov 13, Housing data.

Lab report: Here's a LaTeX template but you can use any editor you want. Check the pdf-file for information about report writing.

Lecture 7 , Lecture 7 R code , Cars data.

Lecture 8 , Lecture 8 R code

Lecture 9 , Lecture 9 R code

Due Nov 20.

The file contains code from Lecture 7, with additional commenting. The task is to analyze the Housing data from Lab 1 with this code. Which model is selected? Does it matter if you use 90 or 45 random observations to train on? Does backward model selection result in a different model that selection via prediction MSE?

Lecture 10 , Lecture 10 R code

Lecture 11 , Lecture 11 R code

Lecture 12 , Lecture 12 R code


myCV.R cross-validation function, mySel.R model selection function, SplitSel.R Function that repeats model selection many times the Crime data

Due Nov 27

Lecture 13 , Lecture 13 R code

Lecture 14 , Lecture 14 R code

Lecture 15 , Lecture 15 R code
Random splits, binary data

Project proposal due Dec 1
MiniAnalysis3 , Wine data
Due Dec 4
Lecture 16 , Lecture 16 R code

Lecture 17 , Lecture 17 R code

Lab3 , PSA training data , PSA test data
Due Dec 17


Labs and MiniAnalysis 10% (mandatory!), Project 30% and Final 60%

Written final + Final Project
Old Exams

I will post old exams here and we will spend the last week of classes going through them.
Examination procedures
In Chalmers Student Portal you can read about when exams are given and what rules apply on exams at Chalmers.
At the link Scedule you can find when exams are given for courses at University of Gothenburg.
At the exam, you should be able to show valid identification.
Before the exam, it is important that you report that you want to take the examination. If you study at Chalmers, you will do this by the Chalmers Student Portal, and if you study at University of Gothenburg, so sign up via GU's Student Portal.

You can see your results in Ladok by logging on to the Student portal.

At the annual examination:
When it is practical a separate review is arranged. The date of the review will be announced here on the course website. Anyone who can not participate in the review may thereafter retrieve and review their exam on Mathematical sciences study expedition, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00. Check that you have the right grades and score. Any complaints about the marking must be submitted in writing at the office, where there is a form to fill out.

At re-examination:
Exams are reviewed and picked up at the Mathematical sciences study expedition, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00. Any complaints about the marking must be submitted in writing at the office, where there is a form to fill out.