Hjalmar Rosengren

Professor of Mathematics

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Visiting address: Chalmers tvärgata 3, Room 4015
Phone: +46 31 7725358
Fax: +46 31 161973
Email: my first name at chalmers.se

My main interest is special functions, and their relation to other fields such as representation theory, number theory, combinatorics and mathematical physics. Here is my publication list. In case you wonder if we met, I made a list of past events. You can also have a look at my Curriculum Vitae.

My coauthors: Jakob Björnberg, Zhineng Cao, Miroslav Engliš, Ilmar Gahramanov, Wolter Groenevelt, Christian Hagendorf, Martin Hallnäs, Sander Hille, Mehdi Hormozi, Tatsuro Ito, Erik Koelink, Christian Krattenthaler, Edwin Langmann, Yvette van Norden, Masatoshi Noumi, Jaak Peetre, Franciszek Pruś-Wisniowski, Kieran Ryan, Michael Schlosser, Paul Terwilliger, Liuquan Wang, Ole Warnaar, Genkai Zhang.

My page at Google scholar.

A bibliography of elliptic hypergeometric functions.

Current teaching:
Representation theory
Perspectives in mathematics

I am coordinator for the master's programme Matematical Sciences and head of unit at the division of Analysis and Probability Theory.