Holger Rootzén
Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers
Mobile +46
730 794222, e-mail: hrootzen@chalmers.se
Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science; the Royal Physiographic
Society of Lund; the IMS, member ISI, associate editor
Journal of the American Statistical Association; Extremes. Former
editor Extremes; Bernoulli; Scandinavian Journal of
Statistics. Chair and cluster leader Program Management AI/Math group
for WASP. Former adjunct member committee for awarding the Swedish
National Bank's Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel,
now participating in the awarding process as "Hedersekonom".
My research is about
random processes. High-dimensional statistics for extreme episodes; prediction of
influenza epidemics; diffusion
prediction; detection of anomalies; and climate extremes is what I think most about
right now. I try to contribute to mitigation of the impact of extreme
floods, windstorms, and heat waves caused by climate change, to financial
risk handling, and to modelling microscopic structures of soft
papers (Full list, Google
Olafsdottir, H. Rootzén and D. Bolin: Fast and robust cross-validation-based scoring rule inference for spatial statistics (2024) arXiv
Olafsdottir, H. Rootzén and D. Bolin: Locally tail-scale invariant scoring rules for evaluation of extreme value forecasts, Int. J. Forecasting (2024) pdf
Olafsdottir, H. Rootzén and D. Bolin: Extreme rainfalls in the
Northeastern USA become more frequent with rising temperatures, but
their size distribution remains stable. Journal of climate 34, 8863–8877 (2021) pdf
H. Rootzén and R. Katz: Design Life
Level: Quantifying risk in changing climate, Water
Resour. Res., 49, 5964–5972,
doi:10.1002/wrcr.20425. (2013) pdf
L.R. Belzile, A.C. Davison, J. Gampe, H. Rootzén and D. Zholud: Is there a cap on longevity? A statistical review. Annual Review of Statistics and its Application, 9, 21–45 (2022) pdf
L. R. Belzile, A.C. Davison, H. Rootzén
and D. Zholud: Human mortality at extreme age. Royal Society Open Science 8, issue 9 (2021) pdf Altmetric
H. Rootzén and D. Zholud: Rejoinder to
discussion of the paper "Human life is unlimited – but short". Extremes
21, 415-424 (2018) pdf Supplementary material pdf
Rootzén and D. Zholud: Human life is unlimited - but short. Extremes
20, 713–728 (2017)
pdf supplementary material: LATool a matlab toolboxEpidemics:
M. Thomas and
H. Rootzén: Real-time prediction of severe influenza epidemics
using Extreme Value Statistics. J. Royal Statistical Society C, 71, 376-394 (2022) pdf
Diffusive transport:
Barman, H. Rootzén and D. Bolin: New descriptors of
connectivity-bottleneck effects improve understanding and prediction of
diffusive transport in pore geometries, submitted (2024)
S. Barman, C. Fager, M. Röding, N.
Lorén, C. von Corswant, E. Olsson, D. Bolin and H. Rootzén: New
Characterization Measures of Pore Shape and Connectivity Applied to
Coatings used for Controlled Drug Release. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 110, 2753-2764 (2021) pdf
C. Fager, S. Barman, M. Röding, A.
Olsson, N. Lorén, C. von Corswant, D. Bolin, H. Rootzén and E. Olsson: 3D
high spatial resolution visualization and quantification of
interconnectivity in polymer films. International
Journal of Pharmaceutics, 587,
(2020) pdf
S. Barman, D. Bolin, C. Fager, T. Gebäck, N. Lorén, E.
Olsson, H. Rootzén, and A. Särkkä: Mist – A program package for visualization and characterization of 3D
geometries. https://mist.math.chalmers.se/author/sandra-eriksson-barman/ (2019 and later)
S. Barman, H. Rootzén and D. Bolin:
Prediction of diffusive transport through polymer films from
characteristics of the pore geometry. AIChE
Journal, 65, 446-457 (2019) pdf Supplementary information pdf
Car safety:
J. Jonasson and H. Rootzén: Internal
validation of near-crashes in naturalistic driving studies: a continuous
and multivariate approach. Accident
Analysis and Prevention 62, 102-109
(2014) pdf
Basic theory:
A. Kiriliouk, H. Rootzén, J. Segers and
J. L. Wadsworth: Peaks over thresholds modeling with multivariate
generalized Pareto distributions. Technometrics
61, 123-135 (2019) pdf Supplementary
material pdf code
H. Rootzén, J. Segers, and J.L.
Wadsworth: Multivariate generalized Pareto distributions:
parametrizations, representations, and properties. J.
Multivariate Anal. 165, 117-131 (2018)
H. Rootzén, J. Segers
and J.L. Wadsworth: Multivariate peaks over thresholds models. Extremes
21, 115–145
(2018) pdf
H. Rootzén and D. Zholud: Tail estimation for window censored processes. Tecnometrics 58, 95-103 (2016) pdf supplementary material pdf
H.Rootzen and D. Zholud: Efficient
estimation of the number of false positives in high-throughput
screening. Biometrika102,
695-704 (2015)
C. Lindberg and H. Rootzén: Error
distributions for random grid approximations of multidimensional
stochastic integrals. Ann. Appl. Probab. 23,
834-857 (2013) pdf
H. Drees and H.Rootzen: Limit Theorems
for Empirical Processes of Cluster Functionals. Ann.
Statist. 38, 2145–2186 (2010) pdf Correction version at arXive
Newspaper articles and a talk, in Swedish, with various coauthors
Relativisera inte synen pĺ människoliv, Alltinget 2022-03-10
Enkla rĺd kan rädda tusentals liv,
SvD 2020-03-11
Sveriges strategi – epidemin mĺste stoppas,
SvD 20-03-20
kan bromsa smittan, SvD
kan förlänga livet för mĺnga genom striktare ĺtgärder,
GP 2020-04-24
försöker dölja sitt misslyckande,
Expressen 2020-0706
av Covid-19: Dra lärdom av vĺra grannar,Läkartidningen 2020-11-16
Att hoppa utan fallskärm och att möta coronavirus utan munskydd, läkartidningen 2021-01-19 originalversion
En tsunami av nya covidfall hotar Sverige Expressen 2021-01-25
Covid-19 i Sverige och i Danmark föredrag Matematisk afton, Vetenskapsfestivalen Göteborg 2021-04-16
Is there a cap on longevity? Truncation, censoring, and extreme value modelling. One World Extremes seminar, April 2021
and the extremes which shape our world,
Keynote, European statistics day, Paris, October 2019
SAFIM Accra August 2018 workshop
lectures; Extreme value statistics for financial risk, Lecture 1,
2, Lecture 3,
4, Lecture 5
life is unlimited - but short, UNC
Chapel Hill, November 2017
risk in a changing climate,
BIRS workshop: Challenges in the Statistical Modeling of Stochastic
Processes for the Natural Sciences, August 2017
peaks over thresholds modelling: theory, and examples from landslide and
river network risk estimation,World
environmental and water resources congress, Sacramento May 2017
GP distributions: portfolio risk estimation, prediction of flu epidemics,
landslide risk modelling,
Conditional independence structures and extremes, Munchen October 2016
value statistics: from one dimension to many, Part 1;
2, Two hour survey lecture,
Nordstat 2016, Copenhagen June 2016
Life Level: quantifying risk in a changing climate,
World environmental and water resources congress, West Palm Beach May 2016
Café-ĺ-lär, Gothenburg, April 2016
value methods, tail estimation for window-censored 0-1 processes, and car
accidents, Columbia University,
December 2015
distribution of random grid approximations of mulltidimensional stochastic
integrals, CIRM Workshop, Luminy
July 2014
black swans with statistics,
Rutgers, October 2013
Big Data and Big Systems,
Natural Sciences Faculty research day, Gothenburg University, May
Att skjuta svarta svanar med
April 2013
finns i allt, talk for the
Minister of Education, May 2011
Services and applied collaborations; Postdocs and graduate students; Education
and positions; Invited talks since 2008