Prof. Sergei Zuyev
Mathematical Sciences |
+46 (0)31 772 3020 |
+46 (0)31 16 1973 |
sergei [dot] zuyev [at] chalmers [dot] se |
My main areas of research include stochastic geometry, point processes, stochastic optimisation, modelling and critical behaviour of large systems, i.e. what is called applied probability. Some advances I contributed to in these areas were presented as a course Measures Everywhere at the 25th Finnish Summer Probability School in June 2003. Follow Download link for the slides. Here you will find a video of my talk which I gave on the 9th of April 2010 at Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK, on advanced Stability notion in Probability. For a few decades I was involved in modelling telecommunications systems - the background you see is what we consider to be a stochastic model for a network's topology. See my publications on the subject. If you are visiting Chalmers, you can find me in MV:L3031
office. But it is always a good idea to drop me email first:
And many thanks to my son Denis for the design of this web-page! |