
This page will contain a diary of the course, i.e. a short description of the lectures, handouts etc. The table will be filled in as we go along.

Date Activity Comments Handouts
Wed Introduction, registration.
Pages 1-12 in the handouts.
About registration: if you are a Chalmers student, and if you have not registered, you should contact your Student Centre (it turns out that we, the math-dept, cannot register you, so writing your name on my list was not sufficient). GU-students and PhD-students do not have to register this way. 1.pdf
Mon Matlab basics. Pages 13-36  
Wed More Matlab. Pages 37-57. Some students requested more handouts. It will take some time for me to cover this material however, so don't fell stressed :-) 2.pdf
Mon More Matlab.
Pages 59-80.
The image on page 80, contour3, is an optical illusion. It looks like a spiral, but it is not. The reason for the effect can be seen from page 79, the "outer" curves are clipped, since x is bound by -2 (and 2).  
Wed More Matlab graphics. Handles.
Pages 81-95
Some students requested more handouts, so here they are.
There are som minor errors on page 106 (form should be from, and the line following "equivalent to", plot([1; 1], [2; 1]), should be plot([1; 0], [2; 1])).
Mon Mora about handle graphics. Callbask. GUIs.
Pages 96-110.
A few links about GUIs, design etc.  Bad designs (fun!).
Some books: The Design of Everyday Things, Interaction Design. There are several E-books, on this subject, available through the Chalmers library, e.g. User Interface Design for Programmers by Joel Spolskya and The Essential Guide to User Interface Design, by Wilbert O. Galitz.

There will be extra lectures on Thursday Nov. 20 and Nov. 27 at 10.00, in room MVL15. Note that it is a different room.
Wed Uicontrol, buttons, sliders etc. First part of animation. Pages 111-133. We decided that the exam will be December 18 and 19. If you cannot make it at that time, send me an e-mail.  
Thu Timer objects, double buffering. Vectors, points, affine transformations. Pages 134-153.    
Mon More on transformations, projections, viewing. Pages 154-178.   An introduction to C. Read this yourself, I will not lecture this material.
Wed The graphics pipeline. Z-buffer. Colour (read on your own). Light. The importance of normals (surf/fill in Matlab). Pages 179-203.    
Thu Colour and light in Matlab. A simple OpenGL program. Pages 204-221. If you would like to get a better feeling for how gluLookAt etc. works, you can run an OpenGL-program (not written by me) by typing (when logged in to the student system):

cd  ~thomas/VIS/OpenGL

You can change parameters, like eye position, and up vector, interactively and immediately see how it affects the image. There are more demo-programs (not all relevant to this course), try fog, lightmaterial, lightposition, projection, shapes, texture, transformation. If you get "Command not found", type ./fog etc.
Mon The remaining OpenGL-examples. Pages 222-237. ParaView next time.   4.pdf, handouts for ParaView.

5.pdf handouts for OpenDX from the previous course. Nothing you have to look at in this course (unless you want to).
Wed Discussion about some OpenGL-topics.
Intro. to OpenDX and ParaView. Description of file formats. Pages 253-264.
Correction of page 275, penultimate line. Line 4 defines the range of indices and not the range of the coordinate values.

I'm currently working on a few more XML-examples, so page 275 will be updated and there will be a few more pages.
I have changed and expanded the XML-part. Here are the new pages.
Mon More about file formats. XML. Pages 265-275 + the "new pages" (to the right) about XML. I will hand out times for the exam on Wednesday.
Wed Textures.Pages 238-251. Handed out exam times.