An igloo problem

In this assignment you are going to use ParaView to visualize the (fake) temperature in a volume (an igloo heated by a candle). This would be significantly harder to do in Matlab since the coordinate data is not regular. Here is an image showing all the 6501 points (but no temperatures):


Question The binary mat-file, igloo_data.mat, contains three variables, nodes, temp and tetra. nodes is a 6501x3-matrix containing the xyz-coordinates for the points, each row describes one point. temp is a 6501x1-vector containing the corresponding temperatures. The points are vertices of a set of 33696 tetrahedrons (you need the tetrahedrons to visualize the data in the way I want). The coordinates of the vertices are given indirectly; each row in the 33696x4-matrix tetra contains four integers which are indices (pointers) into the nodes-matrix.

Use ParaView to visualize the data in a good way. Try using glyphs, isosurfaces, clipping and slicing planes etc. Create a suitable input file using Matlab.
