
Here are the problems:

  1. Getting acquainted
  2. Streamlines
  3. An igloo

I have fetched a pre-compiled version for Linux. To run it you should modify your unix path:
If you are using tcsh:
set path = ( $path /chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.6.1/bin )

If you are using bash:
export PATH=$PATH:/chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.6.1/bin

Start the program by typing paraview

There is a newer version of ParaView, but since it seems a bit buggy we use last years. If you are running the newer version and use Glyphs, you need to switch on "Set Scale Factor" and set the factor to something reasonable (guess first) otherwise the Glyphs are not shown.

This is how you run the new version:

If you are using tcsh:
set path = ( $path /chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.8.0/bin )

If you are using bash:
export PATH=$PATH:/chalmers/sw/unsup/paraview-3.8.0/bin

Start the program by typing paraview

Here is the The ParaView Tutorial  (for version 3.8).
