#! /usr/local/bin/perl # This is a CGI-script that generates a search form and some shortcuts link # for searching a preprint archive. # # Adding new preprints are straightforward, and so is adding a new year # of preprints. Preprints are stored in directories named after the year # they belong to, like 1997, 1998 etc. In these directories, the preprints # are stored under names like '14.ps' or '14.ps.gz', with "14" being the # preprint number for that year, and "ps" and "ps.gz" could be *any* extension # for some format. A line of data must also be put in the file 'index' in # the year directory. # # The files 'index' for each year is a tab-separated text file with # one line per preprint containing four fields: number, authors, title, # and comment. # * The number field could also contain some flags 'L', 'M' and # 'MS' before the number. Ex: LM07 or MS32. # * The authors field can contain several names, which then should be # separated by commas. # * The title field contains the preprint title # * The comment is to mention if it is published, etc. and will be typeset # differently from the title. # # To add a new year, just create a directory named fo that year, e.g. 2001, # and put a file 'index' in it. It will then be automatically found by # this program. # Some extra features: # # * If a line ends with a backslash "\", then the line is assumed to # continue on the next line # * Abstract could be named like '05.abs.tex', '12.abs.dvi' to be # recognized and will give the link a nicer formatting. # # Changes # 2007-05-04 fors@chalmers.se Changed the staff and adress URL. require "Lib/cgi-lib.pl"; sub defaults { $indexfil="index"; %formatnamn = ( "ps.gz" => "Gzipped PS", "ps" => "PostScript", "txt" => "Text", "pdf" => "PDF", "pdf.gz" => "Gzipped PDF", "abs.html"=> "Abstract", "abs.txt" => "Abstract", "abs.ps" => "Abstract (PS)", "abs.dvi" => "Abstract (Dvi)", "abs.tex" => "Abstract (TeX)" ); $dir="."; opendir(DIR,$dir); @p_yeardirs = (reverse sort grep {/^[0-9]+$/ && -d "$dir/$_" && -r "$dir/$_/$indexfil"} readdir(DIR)); $dir="Doctoral"; opendir(DIR,$dir); @d_yeardirs = (reverse sort grep {/^[0-9]+$/ && -d "$dir/$_" && -r "$dir/$_/$indexfil"} readdir(DIR)); } MAIN: { &defaults; &PrintTemplateTop; print qq*

Welcome to the archive of Preprints:

This archieve is searchable. Enter a word to search for in author, title or preprint number. Leave the field blank to obtain the complete archive. (Search hints)
Display preprints from\n*; foreach $year (@p_yeardirs) { print qq%\n%; } print qq@
Show only those matching in format

Display Doctoral Dissertations, Licentiate papers @; print qq!

The archive is maintained by Setta Aspström <setta at math dot chalmers dot se>.
To contact an author, see the staff list, to see if they are currently working here, and our address.
"new" means that the preprint file was added to the archive during the last two weeks.\n!; # Form completely printed. now, print result, if any if(&ReadParse(*input)) { $NoTable++ if $input{"typ"} eq "listed"; PAPER: { if($input{"preprints"} eq "true") { $dir="."; $type="Preprints"; $searchfor= $input{"find"}; $years=$input{"p_year"} or $years = join("\0",@p_yeardirs) ; last PAPER; } if($input{"doc"} eq "true") { $dir="Doctoral"; $type="Doctoral Dissertations"; $years= join("\0",@d_yeardirs); last PAPER; } } #DEBUGLINE # print "Year = $years
"; # print "Type=$type
"; $years =~ tr/0-9\0//cd; # years should only contain numbers @searchyears=split(/\0/,$years); #DEBUGLINES for years #$foo=1; #for $apa (@searchyears) { #print "YEAR:$foo:$apa
"; ##$foo++; #} #DEBUGLINE #print "Searchfor 1 = $searchfor
" if $searchfor; $searchfor = $input{"find2"} if !$searchfor; $plural = "s" if @searchyears >=2; print "
\n"; print qq!\n" unless $NoTable; for $year (@searchyears) { $antal=0; opendir(DIR,"$dir/$year"); open(FIL,"<$dir/$year/$indexfil"); @filer = grep {/^[0-9]+\./} readdir(DIR); $rad=""; LINE: while($rad .= ) { chomp($rad); # Check if line is continued if ( substr($rad,-1) eq "\\") { substr($rad,-1)= " "; next LINE; } if ($rad =~ m/$searchfor/i ) { $antal++; if ($antal==1) { if($NoTable) { YearHeaderNoTable($year); } else { YearHeader($year); } } ($nr,$namn,$titel,$publicerad)=split(/[ \t]*\t[ \t]*/,$rad,4); $nr =~ tr/0-9//cd; # remove misc flags in $nr if ($nr) { $namn =~ s/\s*,\s*/
/g unless $NoTable; $namn =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; #trim white space in names $namn =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Use non-breaking spaces in names # Check for avilable files (in any format) $new=0; foreach $fil (grep {/^$nr\..+/} @filer){ $fil =~ m/^[0-9]+\.(.*)/; $format=$formatnamn{$1} or $format=$1; $new++ if((-M "$dir/$year/$fil") <14); push(@link, "$format"); } push(@link,qq!new!) if($new); if($NoTable) { print qq![$year:$nr] !; print qq!$namn, !; print qq!$titel!; print qq!, $publicerad! if $publicerad; print " ",join(', ',@link),"

"; } else { print qq!

"; print qq!\n!; print qq!\n!; print qq!\n!; } } } $rad=""; undef @link; # Clear som variables; } } print "
! unless $NoTable; print qq!

!; print "$type for year$plural ",join(', ',@searchyears); print ", matching '$searchfor'" if $searchfor; $searchfor =~ s![;{}/\(\)]!.!g; # Avoid dangerous characters in search print"

\n"; print"
!; print join('
$year:$nr$namn$titel!; print qq!
$publicerad! if $publicerad; print qq!
"; } &PrintTemplateEnd; } sub YearHeader { print qq!@_\n FormatNoAuthor(s)Titl e!; } sub YearHeaderNoTable { print qq!


\n!; } sub PrintTemplateTop { print &PrintHeader; print < Mathematics: Preprints EOT } sub PrintTemplateEnd { print qq%
Script last modified 2007-05-04 09.04 by Patrick Forsberg %; }