Matematik och Datavetenskap, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs Universitet

ALA-B, 2005, week 7

Home, w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4, w 5, w 6, w 7. Matlab: analysis, linear algebra, facit.

Goal: Linear algebra in Rn.

exercises from Determinant. Inverse matrix.
95. Matlab summary (postscript).

Lecture 7.1: Determinant. Inverse matrix. (ps).

Studio 7.1: Project 12.
Examination of project 12 in the studio class room. Chemistry teachers will participate.

Lecture 7.2: Linear algebra.

Studio 7.2: Linear algebra in Rn

Deadline project 9: December 13 2005.

Läsanvisningar inför tentamen (ps).

And that's all!


Last modified: Fri Oct 22 17:39:46 MET DST 1999