• Click here if you are looking for my list of publications.

  • My Curriculum Vitae , pdf format, 09.04.2024.

  • Editorial service for BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2014-.

  • Editorial service for Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2017-.

  • Health and safety representative (arbetsmiljöombud) at the department of Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology (07.06.2022- ).

  • Faculty representative at the recruitment board (lärarrepresentant till anställningskommittén), Chalmers University of Technology (01.10.2023- ).

  • Director of graduate studies at the department of Mathematics and mathematical Statistics, Umeå University (01.09.2017-31.03.2020).

  • My Research statement and Teaching interests, pdf format, February 2012.

  • My Google Scholar Profile, my arXiv Profile, my AMS Profile, my ResearchGate Profile, my Publons Profile, my Research Chalmers, and my ORCID Profile.

  • My PHD dissertation Analysis and Numerical Treatment of Highly Oscillatory Differential Equations, pdf format,2004.
    Another link for this document: CYBERTHESE. You can also find all the PHD thesis published (electronically) in Geneva.

  • Collaborators:

    Assyr Abdulle; Rikard Anton; André Berg; Charles-Edouard Bréhier; Kevin Burrage; Meng Cai; Elena Celledoni; Chuchu Chen; Jianbo Cui; Raffaele d'Ambrosio; Kristian Debrabant; Guillaume Dujardin; Daisuke Furihata; Ludwig Gauckler; Giuseppe Giordano; Ernst Hairer; Jialin Hong; Tobias Jahnke; Yoshio Komori; Annika Lang; Stig Larsson; Katina Lorenz; Christian Lubich; Takayasu Matsuo; Yuto Miyatake; Brynjulf Owren; Lluís Quer-Sardanyons; Xavier Raynaud; Andreas Rößler; Julia Schweitzer; Magdalena Sigg; Liying Sun; Johan Ulander; Olivier Verdier; Gilles Vilmart; Xiaojie Wang; Kostas Zygalakis


  • FY2022 Seminar Funding by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Alumni Club), 2022.
  • Project Research Grant financed by the Swedish Research Council . Title: Numerical analysis and simulation of PDEs with random dispersion. 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022.
  • FRÖ France-Sweden mobility grant financed by the French Embassy/Institut français de Suède
  • Joint China-Sweden Mobility grant financed by the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. January 2017
  • Initiation Grants financed by the the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, STINT. May 2015.
  • Research exchange grant financed by the G S Magnusons fond, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. April 2015.
  • Project Research Grant financed by the Swedish Research Council . Title: Explicit numerical methods for the time discretisation of stochastic wave equations. 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017.
  • Postdoc scholarship for O. Verdier financed by the Kempe Foundations . Start. July 2013.
  • Research exchange grant financed by the Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation . March 2013.
  • Research exchange grant with Japan from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. January 2013.
  • Swiss National Science Foundation Grant No. 200021_127130: Numerical methods for stochastically driven wave equations. Student: Magdalena Sigg. 01.10.2009 - 30.09.2012.
  • Fellowships for prospective researchers financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation. 01.10.2004 - 30.09.2005

  • Bachelor students:

    Interested in doing a bachelor thesis? Do not hesitate to contact me.

  • William Karlander, Georg Frantz Merila Kyhn, Erik Sahlin Geometrisk numerisk integrering av differentialekvationer, Chalmers and GU, 2022.
  • Selma Moqvist, Simon Lindeberg Skoglund Simulering av stokastiska fält på sfären, Chalmers and GU, 2022.
  • Christoffer Cronhamn, Kristoffer Westlund Simulering av stokastiska fält på sfären, Chalmers and GU, 2022.
  • Tom Doran, Adam Ivehag, Ludvig Jakobsson, Joakim Quach Numeriska simuleringar av stokastiska differentialekvationer, Chalmers and GU, 2022.
  • Kristofer Cronwald: An introduction to Multilevel Monte Carlo with applications to options, Umeå University, 2019.
  • Katharina Zirngast: Klassische numerische Methoden für stochastische Differentialgleichungen, University of Innsbruck, 2017.

  • Master students:

    Interested in doing a master thesis? Do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Karim Ramiyou Mache: Geometric Numerical Integration and Optimization in Machine Learning, AIMS Senegal, 2020.
  • Krister Janzon: Monte Carlo Path Simulation and the Multilevel Monte Carlo Method, Umeå University, 2018.
  • André Berglund: Numerical simulations of linear stochastic oscillators driven by Wiener and Poisson processes, Umeå University, 2017.
  • Annina Nef: Numerische Integratoren für stochastische Hamilton- und Poisson-Systeme, Unibas, 2011.
  • Manuel Baumgartner: Charakterisierung symmetrischer exponentieller Runge-Kutta Verfahren, Unibas, 2011.
  • Magdalena Sigg: Hochoszillatorische Differentialgleichungen mit zeitabhängigen Frequenzen, Unibas, 2009.
  • Thomas Kozlik: Ein Vergleich des Yee Schemas mit Energieerhaltung bei x=0 mit dem lokalen Zeitschrittverfahren mit Mass-Lumping (mit Prof. Dr. Marcus Grote), Unibas, 2008.

  • Supervision of PhD students:

    Interested in doing a PhD thesis in computational mathematics? Do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Johan Ulander (Chalmers University of Technology, 11.01.21-): Ongoing
  • André Berg (Umeå University, 01.10.17-25.09.23): The thesis entitled Numerical analysis and simulation of stochastic partial differential equations with white noise dispersion can be found here.
  • Rikard Anton (Umeå University, 01.09.13-18.05.18). The thesis entitled Exponential integrators for stochastic partial differential equations can be found here.
  • Björn Müller (Chalmers University of Technology, Ongoing, the main supervisor is Annika Lang).
  • Ioanna Motschan-Armen (Chalmers University of Technology, Ongoing, the main supervisor is Annika Lang).
  • Juan Carlos Araujo-Cabarcas (Umeå University, 01.02.13-13.06.19, the main supervisor is Christian Engström). The thesis entitled Reliable hp finite element computations of scattering resonances in nano optics can be found here.
  • Magdalena Sigg (University of Basel, 01.10.09-30.09.12, not until completion)

  • Mentoring of postdoctoral researcher:
  • Dr. Olivier Verdier (Umeå University, 01.07.13-31.03.15). Funded by the Kempe Foundations.

  • "Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." Martin Luther King, Jr.
    last modifications: 09.04.24