HT 2018: Stochastic Differential Equations
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro, Syllabus.

VT 2018: Differentialekvationer för teknologer
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro, Syllabus.

HT 2017: Stochastic Differential Equations
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro, Syllabus.

VT 2017: Differentialekvationer för teknologer
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

HT 2015: Fysikens matematiska metoder
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

VT 2015: Scientific Computing I
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

VT 2015: Geometric Numerical Integration
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

HT 2014: Phd seminar on classic papers in mathematics and mathematical statistics

Syllabus of the course (18.09.14)

Useful links:
Presenting papers by AMS.
How to give a good 20 minutes math talk by William T. Ross.
How to communicate mathematics in 6 easy steps by Chris Tisdell.
10 tips for academic talks by Matt Might.
How to talk mathematics by P.R. Halmos.
How to write a paper by Arieh Iserles.

The MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

Date and time for the presentations:
Axel Torshage: An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. 30 September 2014, 11-12, stora konferensrum MMS.
Rikard Anton: Integration of stiff equations. 03 October 2014, 11-12, lilla konferensrum MMS.
Martin Björklund: Variational methods for the solution of problems of equilibrium and vibrations. 13 October 2014, 13-14, stora konferensrum MMS.
Denys Shcherbak: Triangular factorization and inversion by fast matrix multiplication/ Unitary Triangularization of a Nonsymmetric Matrix. 27 October 2014, 14-15, stora konferensrum MMS.
Andrii Dmytryshyn: Solution of the matrix equation AX +XB =C. 30 October 2014, 13-14, stora konferensrum MMS.

HT 2014: Fysikens matematiska metoder (del 2)
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

VT 2014: Differentialekvationer för teknologer
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

VT 2014: Scientific Computing I
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

HT 2013: Fysikens matematiska metoder
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

HT 2013: Differentialekvationer för teknologer
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

VT 2013: Differentialekvationer för teknologer
Please use the webpage of the course on cambro.

HT 2012: Envariabelanalys 1

Group G3 (TDV), Sal MA166: Link to the webpage of the course on cambro

Important definitions and formulas for the exercises: Summary

"Life is too short to spend writing for loops"

last modifications: 13.11.18