Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University

TMA325 Introduction to Engineering Mathematics, period 1, 2010, 7.5 points

Teacher Hasan Almanasreh
telephone: 772 5357
e-mail: almanasr (at)

The purpose of the course.

The course begins on Tuesday August 31 at 08.00 in room MVF23

First Lecture on Wednesday September 1 at 15.15 in room MVH11

First Computer Session on Friday September 3 at 13.15 in room MVF25

For the weeks 36-41 see Detailed plan.

Matlab exercise 1, Matlab exercise 2, Matlab exercise 3.

More computer tutorials (some in Swedish, some in English).

The tank reactor

Tank reactor 1 (LaTeX source code studio1.tex, figure kfig55.eps)
Tank reactor 2 (studio2.tex)
Tank reactor 3 (studio3.tex, kfig56.eps)
Tank reactor 4 (studio4.tex)
Tank reactor 5 (studio5.tex)
The catalyst pellet (studio67.tex) (more advanced, with Matlab's PDE Toolbox)

Introduction to LaTeX

Here is LaTeX file for beginners test.tex. Copy this file to your home directory and use it as a starting point for your own documents. For more advanced examples to can read or copy the files studio1.tex, and so on. Here you find the commands that you use to create at LaTeX document.

Here is a lot of documentation of LaTeX. Here is a good introduction: The not so short introduction to LaTeX 2e. Print it or read it online.

Last modified: August 30, 2010