Matematiska vetenskaper, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs Universitet

ALA-A, week 1, 2005

[home, week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6, week 7]


Goal: To understand the construction and the basic properties of the number systems: the natural numbers, the integers, and the rational numbers. Introduction of functions of rational numbers, in particular the polynomial functions.

Mathematical notation (ps).
AMBS ch 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11


Reading: Matematik med Matlab - en handledning: Section 1.


Lecture 1.1: Ch 5, 7, 9, lecture notes.

Studio 1.1: Matlab functions
(Do not print the exercises; read them from the computer screen. This will save your print quota and avoid waiting time for printing in the classroom.)

Exercise 1.1:
Demo: 5.15b, 5.16h, 7.8b, 7.10b, 9.2a David's solutions - week 1.
Basic: 5.12, 5.15, 5.16 7.8, 7.10 (7.10a should be 0.4242...) 9.2b, 9.3, 9.4, 9.8bc

Lecture 1.2: Ch 10, 11

Studio 1.2: Linear and polynomial functions

(Exercise 1.2: no exercise 2 this week.)

Obs: fel på schemat, ingen "konsultation" på torsdagar 17-19!


Last modified: Wed Sep 4 11:08:20 MET DST 2002