Algebraic Number Theory, Michaelmas 2017

This is the course website for the Michaelmas Part III course on Algebraic Number Theory.

Example Sheets and other relevant material will appear here in due course. If you have corrections or comments on the lectures or example sheets, please email me!

The example classes are scheduled for Mondays 30 Oct, 13 Nov and 27 Nov, 3-5 pm in MR5. The 4th and final examples class will be in MR13 on Thursday 18 Jan 3-5 pm.

Example Sheet 1 , Rough solutions

Example Sheet 2 , Rough solutions

Example Sheet 3 , Rough solutions

Example Sheet 4 , Rough solutions

The revision sessions for the exam will be in the form of office hours.

You are welcome to come to my office (C1.14) on any Friday between 3 and 5 pm from now until the exam and ask questions about the course (so that's Fridays 11, 18 and 25 May, and 1 June).

I have also collected various remarks/comments I made about the exam here:

Exam remarks

During one of the office hour sessions, there was a good question about a subtlety in one of the central results of the course. I decided to write up an answer to share with everyone, in case it might be helpful (see below).
